I noticed that the main page for this blog is still getting some hits, so I just wanted to update- If you haven't already, please visit me at blog.lovemanything.net instead!
posted by Crystal 4:37 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
I am trying to fix you, blog!
posted by Crystal 6:11 PM
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Poor old blog, you're now on the new blogger!
posted by Crystal 4:05 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2003
432 participants; 2990 sponsors; 86,329.95 raised
Go team us.
posted by Crystal 8:00 AM
I just deleted 401 blogathon e-mails from my filing cabinet.
posted by Crystal 7:38 AM
First, I forgot to post this pic I took of Lula during our late-night trip outside for some fresh air and dancing around.![]()
I just had to put her outside because she was racing around the house at lightning speed. My cat is on crack.
Okay, back to the chickens.
This is Red.![]()
Lula likes to play with them.![]()
And this is Yellowfoot. He has yellow feet. Red had been chasing him around, so I made Red stay away while Yellowfoot ate.![]()
gotta love those action shots!
This would have been a cool pic if that weed weren't in the way. Do you know how hard it is to get a good picture of a chicken? (oops. I posted the wrong pic the first time)
My brain is working so well. I just had a great conversation with my mom. It went like this.
Me: (glassy stare) Ein...dah...?
Mom: (laughs and walks away)
posted by Crystal 7:33 AM
I spent the last half hour outside in the early morning light feeding the chickens and playing with my cat, and it was GREAT! After being inside for most of the past 24 hours, a little sunlight has a big effect!
And now, because you know you want them: chicken pictures.
gah! i take that back. Tallulah is tearing the house apart, so after I give her some attention, I'll post pics. Crazy cat.
posted by Crystal 7:00 AM
Remarkably, I'm still really awake. I've been laying in bed watching Sex & the City, and somehow missed the point when it became light outside.
I seem to be running out of words.
Am still traumatized by the MnM's incedent.
posted by Crystal 6:31 AM
Ode to 5:37am
Five thirty-seven.
That's what time it is.
Five thirty-seven.
Two hours and twenty-three minutes left.
I am listening to David Gray.
Are you?
You should be.
Late Night Radio.
No, that's the name of the song.
I just realized something
no, not shocking that I realized something.
Or maybe at five thirty-seven it is.
Five thirty-nine.
I though I had been eating crispy MnMs
But they are plain.
You would think that the brown bag would have tipped me off
but you would have thought wrong.
She don't mind the late night radio.
People are suggesting showers.
But I just dyed my hair.
So that's out.
The only people not afk on my buddylist
are blogathonners.
Jim says he will come back at 6
Jim lies.
Just opened my window
So I will notice the sun.
Crafty, huh?
I forgot to feed my fish.
Sorry, fish.
My henna is flaking off.
The tattoo is cute.
I've still only watched
one of the four movies I rented.
I think I'll watch the Sex & the City episode
from last Sunday
posted by Crystal 6:01 AM
How is it that I'm not sleepy? My eyes feel kinda heavy, but I'm really doing well. I'm not sure if I'll feel the same way in an hour, though, so I'm having another nutri-grain bar with peanut butter. It worked last time!
I have two frappuccinos left, but I was doing much worse from the ups and downs of caffeine than I am without, so I think I'll just leave them.
At this point in the blogathon two years ago? To quote myself-
"Cant sleep, blogs will eat me! Cant sleep, blogs willl eat me!!!!!! 2 more hours!
Hehehehehehe... Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Everyone is awake now, and they forget that I haven't slept yet, and they expect me to be cohernt. Heh. yeah right. Dream on! Ooh, dreaming involves sleep. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!"
That's the year we went from 2pm-2pm, so it was noon at that point. I wasn't doing so well.
At this point last year I was taking 10 minute naps between posts to survive.
posted by Crystal 5:31 AM
Top Ten Favorite David Gray Songs:
1-Forever Is Tomorrow Is Today
2- Falling Free
3- Late Night Radio
4- The Light
5- Lead Me Upstairs
6- Wisdom
7- Debauchery
8- This Year's Love
9- Gathering Dust
10- Gutters Full of Rain
Top Three Favorite Ben Harper Songs (In Order, for once!)
1-Not Fire, Not Ice
2-Glory and Consequences
3-Steal My Kisses
Thanks to Shorebound for making me laugh at this crazy hour!
According to a website, sunrise is supposed to be at 6:15am, so hopefully I will remember to watch!
Did you know that if you're sponsoring me for $10 or more, you can chose a specific pet to sponsor at the ASPCA? The link is here. I like Fred.
Also, did you know that baby rabbits are called kittens? I did not!
posted by Crystal 5:01 AM
Remember a while back when I said I'd start posting favorite quotes every post, and then I never did? Well, to makeup for it, here are 23 more, so that I now have one per hour.
~Adventure is worthwhile in itself- Amelia Earhart
~Success is a journey, not a destination- Ben Sweetland
~In the long run, the pessimist may be proven right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip- Daniel Reardon
~Its kind of fun to do the impossible- Walt Disney
~In riding a horse, we borrow freedom- Helen Thomson
~Courage is more exhilarating than fear, and in the long run it's easier
~Life has got to be lived, that's all there is to it
~Many a false step is made by standing still- Chinese proverb
~Where there is love and inspiration, I dont think you can go wrong- Ella Fitzgerald
~Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, dream, discover.-Mark Twain
~Obstacles are placed in our way to determine whether we truly wanted something or just thought we did- Harold Smith
~The way to know life is to love many things- Van Gogh
~Follow your heart, even when it takes you to the wrong places you need to go
~Well behaved women rarely make history
~Ever notice that "What the hell?" is always the right decision? -Marilyn Monroe
~Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon- Susan Ertz
~Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today- Mark Twain
~Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic- Mary Ellen Kelly
~I've got to hide some place to find myself again-Big River
~A writer is somebody for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people- Thomas Mann
~The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eyes. The story of love is hello and goodbye, until we meet again- Jimi Hendrix
~The two greatest things in life are love and death. Love makes it wonderful and death makes it precious.
posted by Crystal 4:30 AM
Top 10 Countries I'd like to visit, in no particular order:
1- Australia
2- New Zealand
3- England. I actually want to live in London for a while.
4- Scotland
5- Ireland
6- France
7- Italy
8- Greece
9- India
10- Morocco
Top 10 TV Stations I watch (Thank God for Cable!) (Also in no particular order)
1- Travel Channel
2- TLC (Trading Spaces, the US version of What Not To Wear, etc)
3- Animal Planet
4- Bravo (Queer Eye for the Straight Guy)
5- HBO (Sex & the City)
6- MTV (for Real World and Road Rules)
7- E!
8- BBC (What Not To Wear, So Graham Norton, Coupling, The Office, etc etc)
9- Fox (Simpsons, King of the Hill, That 70's Show, Friends)
10- Sci-Fi (I only watch this on the rare Saturday morning when I'm up in time for MST3k, but I couldn't think of any other channels I watch!)
Top 10 Mary Kay products I can't live without:
1- TimeWise cleanser & moisturizer
2- Endless Performance mascara in Black
3- Creme-to-Powder foundation in ivory 1
4- Rasinberry Lipstick
5- Caramel Apple Lip gloss
6- Mango Spice nail color (for toes)
7- Triple Action Eye Enhancer (keeps my eyeshadow on all day!)
8- Almond Glaze lip gloss
9- Persian spice eyeshadow (used as eyeliner with a wet brush and in the crease)
10- Makeup brush set
Top 10 Reasons Why Jim Rocks:
10) He likes really big colored chalk.
9) He just might be as much of a nerd as I am.
8) He used to help me with chemistry homework.
7) He is friends with Todd, which makes him cool by association.
6) He has been to Simucon!
5) He has a picture of me riding an elephant. Its best not to make people with such things unhappy.
4) He drove through all of the scary cities while I sat back and ate animal crackers on the way to Texas.
3) He sings Karma Chameleon and Copa Cabanna at karaoke.
2) He will give me lots of free therapy someday.
1) He has been keeping me company online for the past 87325 hours of blogging!
Just over 4 hours left, and somehow, I'm NOT tired! I was dead by this time last year, taking 20-minute naps and quick showers in between posts! YAY!
I am now going to do something that I very well may regret later, because it's pretty embarassing. I am going to share my current playlist with you, so you can laugh at all of the cheesy songs that are keeping me awake.
Golden Years- David Bowie
Lynard Skynard- Sweet Home Alabama
Break On Through- The Doors
Dancing Queen- Abba
David Gray- Late Night Radio
Heart of Glass- Blondie
Come On Eileen- Dexy's Midnight Runners
Breakfast at Tiffany's- Deep Blue Something
Girl all the bad guys want- Bowling for Soup
99 Luft Balloons- Nina
Its the End of the World as we Know It- REM
Affirmation- Savage Garden
Vacation- Go Go's
Time Of Your Life- Green Day
Pour Some Sugar On Me- Cover by Soundgarden
Elephant Stone- Stone Roses
I'm So In Love With You- cover by Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies
posted by Crystal 4:02 AM
Kiki, being the fabulous person that she is, has suggested that I do some top ten lists, starting with
Top 10 Reasons Why Kiki Rocks
10) She has her own personal lettuce.
9) Believe it or not, she is NOT the one who broke the balcony at Simucon!
8) She never opposes when I "borrow" whatever the hell she's drinking at the time
7) Free tickets to Universal, baby!
6) She sang Big Spender with me in the bathroom at least thirty-eight times in one night!
5) She bought me a box of strawberry yogurt nutri-grain bars from Schnucks at Simucon!
4) she is, and I quote a "Modus chick, but not a ho"
3) She is the Dancing Queen.
2) She is secretly a superhero and has thus enacted a brilliant scheme to keep me from getting any pictures of her. She goes to great limits to prevent this.
1) A moment that will live in Simucon History- that brilliant, poetic, beautiful moment when she walked in.... into the glass door.
Eight Jobs Crystal has had:
#1-Courrier Chick- This is the current one. It's fun because I get to drive around all day listening to good music and books on tape, singing along in my car, stopping for fast food, etc. Also, I only work four hours a day on T,W,T and 8 on M&F. I can take off any time I want to, and get paid any time I want to. However, I drive between 100 and 200 miles a day, which SUCKS, and has put 40,000 miles on my car in a year. It gets boring. It gets lonely. I hate having to be up early on Monday and Friday. I hate having to drive in bad weather.
#2- Cookie Lady- This is my favorite job that I have ever, ever had. I worked at one of the local time-share resorts, where my entire job was to sit in the model unit they did tours of and bake cookies for the people that came through on the tours. There was usually at least half an hour in between tours when I could eat cookies, watch tv, read, whatever. The most fun part was when I got to work with my friend Teela, who had gotten me the job, and we'd use the dish soap to blow bubbles, or shoot suction-cup darts at the refridgerator with a kid's bow and arrow set. We watched Days of our Lives and Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones. We fed gourmet cookies to the squirrels. Those were GOOD days.
#3- Photo Chick Extrordinarre- I was a photo chick at Dixie Stampede for fifty-three years. Okay, so it was just three, but it FELT like many, many more. Essentially, I greeted the guests when they came in, took their souvineer photos, and then sold them during the show. I always wanted to switch over to riding and dancing in the show, but if you're not five feet tall and one hundred pounds, its tough to get a break. The pay sucked, the rules sucked, but the people were a lot of fun.
#4-Office Type Chick- When I worked for the Time Share Resort People, they asked if I wanted to make some extra money working in the office on the weekends (my usual days off). I was saving for a vacation, so I jumped on the chance. My job was to take pictures of the people who bought time shares and make little ID badges for them. It was a really easy job, and I got to play online all day, but as you blogathonners know, sitting at a computer for twelve hours straight gets old FAST. I'm just NOT a sit-at-a-desk-in-an-office type girl! I only did this for like a month before I couldn't take it anymore.
#5-Eyeglass Cleaner Chick- A friend of my family owns a company that makes eyeglass cleaner. I stood at a booth in Wal-Mart and cleaned people's glasses to demonstrate the product. Boring as hell. I didn't last long there either.
#6- IMAX Ice Cream Chick- After quitting the eyeglass gig, I got a job at the sandwich/pie/ice cream place at Imax. I made a damn good cherry limeade. It was a fun job, but I ended up not going back for a second season (they closed for the winter like almost everything here does).
#7- Beverage Girl- This was my very first job at the ripe age of 13. (Child labor laws? What are those?) I worked at a theater in a little theme park, where I dispensed tea, water, coffee, etc to the guests. At that age, you're just excited to have a job!
#8- Ice Cream Scooping Chick- At the ever-so-mature age of 14, I was promoted to the pie and ice cream shop in the same theme park. I think I made $4.25 an hour. Do you remember those days? I built some nice muscles in my right arm from ice cream scooping, and learned how to make a mean funnel cake. Occasionally, I ran a little concession stand gazebo alone from something like 7am until 8pm. I was in charge of keeping everything stocked, making all the orders, and Z-ing out the register at night, and then locking up. Looking back, a) how did they not get in trouble for working a 14-year old for more than 12 hours a day? b) They trusted someone that young with all of that? Nutters!
(side note- after that job, I can not eat funnnel cakes anymore.)
posted by Crystal 3:30 AM
I finally finished my tattoo! It took nearly 45 minutes, which is REALLY long, given that when I have them done by professionals, they usually only take 10-15 minutes!
This is only the 2nd one I've done on myself, and I think I'm getting a bit better. Its very hard to make the paste go where you want it!
Anyway, here is the design I chose:
and a few shots of the development...![]()
and the finished product:![]()
I might add some detail work to the fingers later, since that's usually my favorite part. I'm also trying to find a good design to do on my foot. Apparently, having to concentrate on something keeps me awake!
I just went to the kitchen to make a lemon juice and sugar mixture to help keep my tattoo moist while it darkens, and came across the snack I'd made over an hour ago (peanut butter on a strawberry yogurt nutri-grain bar. If that doesn't give me some energy, I'm hopeless!) Apparently I'd made it and then completly forgotten about it.
I also grabbed the bag of crispy MnM's. Three guesses which one I'll eat first.
I just realized while talking to Kiki that I only have ten posts left! WOW!
posted by Crystal 3:00 AM
I'm in the middle of my henna tattoo now, and I can't believe that I forgot to post the last one! Gheez!
I've just figured out that 2:30 am when I'm sleepy and shakey from caffeine is NOT the best time to be trying to draw intricate details with paste. I hope it turns out semi-decently at least!
Pics when I finish, which should be by the next post!
posted by Crystal 2:30 AM
Um, that was the 2:00 post, I forgot to hit post. Wow, this is getting to me!
posted by Crystal 2:28 AM
I'm going to diiiieee!
Ooh, speaking of dying, did I tell you about my fake funeral birthday party idea? No?
I was stuck behind a funeral procession while I was driving the other day, and I decided that instead of birthday parties, we should have fake funerals in which you get all dressed up with your hair and makeup done, ride in the back of a limo to the party location, and then you get to lay around while all of your friends say nice things about you.
Think it will catch on?
I can't believe that of the four movies I rented, I've only watched one! Crazy! I should have just stuck with what I have, and gone the PPV route if things got desperate.
I think I'm going to get started on some henna tattoos now. Hope I don't get too in to it, or my whole body will be covered by the end of the blogathon!
posted by Crystal 2:28 AM
Guess what comes out in exactly one month!![]()
Things I am particularly excited about re: the regular version:
Documentary "On the Set: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" (Starz/Encore special)
Documentary "Return to Middle-earth" (WB special) (I saw this when it was on TV and loooved it!)
Short film by Sean Astin "The Long and Short of It" (YAY! I've been wanting to see this!)
And then in November?
When the November edition comes out, I will be officially curling up in my house and never coming out again.
According to the blurb on the New Line Cinema site, the bonus dvd stuff with the snazzy version sounds very similar to what came with Fellowship.
"Disc 3 includes features on adapting the book into a screenplay, planning the film, design and inspiration for locations in Middle-earth, storyboards to pre-visualization, a Weta Workshop visit, an Atlas of Middle-earth, an interactive map of New Zealand highlighting the location scouting process, galleries of art and slideshows with commentaries by the artists, and much more! Disc 4 consists of sending actors to battle-preparation for sword fighting, Principal photography: Stories from the set, digital effects including motion capture and "Massive" (a program to create armies of Orcs), "Bigatures"-A close-up look at the detailed miniatures used in the film"
Um, didn't we see pretty much ALL of that on the last dvd's?
This edition comes with a Gollum statue, which is nice and all, but I still really, really want those Argonath bookends.![]()
Do you see how they taunt me? I am always seeking these bookends, the precious... they are calling to me... must get the precious...
(cough cough)
Its amazing how a little bit of moving around can wake you up. I was grooving to the Hobbit Safety Dance Video, and it woke me right up. Then I went outside and did some jumping jacks and stretches and danced around for a few minutes, and that helped a lot as well! Plus, I've just let Lula back in the house to keep me company.
Thank goodness for second winds!
posted by Crystal 1:31 AM
seven hours
yet left to go, blogathon
I could use some sleep.
I think it may be time to break out the episode of Sex & the City that I have been saving for this very event.
I promise a real post soon.
posted by Crystal 1:00 AM
I'm starting to get sleeeepy. Am I really going to make it seven and a half more hours?
posted by Crystal 12:31 AM
Hair dye pics are here!
Have you ever tried to dye your hair with kittens dashing around your legs and trying to eat your feet, while also making sure you're back at the computer on the half hour to post? Its a bit of a challenge.
I asked Pippin to check out the hair color box. He tried to eat it, which I took as an approval.![]()
And here's the after!![]()
Of course, at the time, "Summer Lovin" was playing from Grease, so I got some monkey love.![]()
Also, here are the stats as of about 11:45
436 participants; 2896 sponsors; 83,838.91 raised
posted by Crystal 12:03 AM
Saturday, July 26, 2003
AHH! How is it already 11:30?
Pics coming at midnight!
posted by Crystal 11:31 PM
Okay, I need some help.
I want to sort-of recreate this henna tattoo I got at Scarborough Faire![]()
The thing is, I want to elaborate it over the rest of my hand with a sort of Tolkien-esque Elvish design. Know what I mean? Anyone? Anyone?
Anyway, if you come up with a design, and I pick it, I will sponsor you for five dollars!
The hair is done and its a lovely shade of red, with some bright red highlights from back when I had the blonde spots of doom. I think I like it.
posted by Crystal 11:01 PM
I'm typing this post up with a head covered in hair dye. I've got about fifteen minutes left before I go wash it out, and I'm excited and a bit nervous-- they didn't have my usual color, so I just grabbed something that looked like it would fall in the medium-to-darkish reddish brown category. Hope it works out!
With all the goo in, I smoothed my hair up into a mohawk and took a picture, but you aren't going to see that one.
Also, I am watching Grease.
posted by Crystal 10:31 PM
I'm getting really tired. I've had to break out the Abba and David Bowie. I've just changed clothes so that I can go dye my hair after this post, and I've got my henna thawing so that after my hair is dry I can work on a henna tattoo or two. Or three. Or...
If you click here, you can come up with all sorts of fun Blogathon slogans. Some of my favorites that came up:
A Blogathon A Day Helps You Work, Rest and Play.
Gee, Your Blogathon Smells Terrific.
Absolut Blogathon
Happiness is Blogathon-Shaped.
Four out of Five Dentists Recommend Blogathon.
If Only Everything in Life was as Reliable as a Blogathon.
The Blogathon is Mightier than the Sword.
It's Not TV. It's Blogathon.
I did a ton more, which I've put here. They include such classics as "Strong Enough for a Man, Made for a Hobbit." and "
Things go better with really bad eggs"
posted by Crystal 10:00 PM
Okay, this is kind of cheap, but I'm going to post a survey I just filled out in an e-mail to Katie T. You see what the blogathon has brought me to??
[Wallet]: Lots of credit cards, no cash. Brown.
[Jewelry worn daily]: The only thing I wear on a daily basis is a silver ring on my right middle finger, engraved with the word "Faith".
[Pillow cover]: bright multi-colored flowers. Matches my sheets.
[Favorite top]: I love the shirt I'm wearing today- I got it for fifty cents in a thrift store- its from 1955 and says "1955 Brooklyn- Woild Champs- "At Last"
[Favorite pants]: all about jeans! Usually "Chelsea Flares" from A&F
[Cologne/Perfume]: makes me sneeze
[CD in stereo right now]: One that I made last week, with all sorts of stuff on it.
[Piercings]: ears - haven't worked up the courage (nor the abs) for navel
[What you are wearing now]: my favorite pants (really really comfy track pants lined with soft soft t-shirt type material from A&F), the Brooklyn shirt listed above.
[In my head]: the Safety Dance song
[Wishing]: for more Blogathon sponsors!
[After this]: eleven more hours of Blogathon
[Talking to]: Brooke and Julie on AIM
[Something you're looking forward to]: 8am tomorrow!
[The last thing you ate?]: part of a Symphony candy bar (milk chocolate with toffee chips!)
[Some of your favorite movies]: Lord of the Rings (FOTR & TT), Moulin Rouge, Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail, Singin In The Rain, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Matrix, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Ever After, A Walk To Remember, etc etc
[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]: needles
[Do you like incense]: meh
[Do you believe in love]: very much. (Aren't you proud that I resisted quoting Moulin Rouge? Oh, hell, I'll do it anyway! "I believe in truth, beauty, and above all things, love!")
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: lust at first sight
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: yeah, it just sucks sometimes
[If you could have any animal for a pet]: Aside from the ones I already have? I want a camel! Or a Clydsdale! Or a dalmation! Or a Greyhound! Or a bunny! Or a three-toed sloth! Or or or...
[What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: Chocolate, Taco Bell cheese quesadillas, pizza, anything Italian, cheese enchiladas
[What's something you wish you could understand better?]: I like Katie's answer of foreign languages. It always makes me sad when I can't communicate!
[In the last 24 hours, have you]
01. Cried: nope! Ask me again at the end of the blogathon!
02. Bought something: Lots of somethings!
03. Gotten sick: not yet!
04. Sang: heck yeah!
05. Eaten: yup!
06. Been kissed: nope, sadly
07. Felt stupid: frequently
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: Nope.
09. Met someone new: do blogathonners count?
10. Moved on: yep
11. Talked to an ex: Nope! But now that you mention it, I'm going to hit him up to sponsor me!
12. Missed an ex: not really
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: I have a crush on every single one of you.
14. Had a serious talk: its blogathon! You think I can be serious?
15. Missed someone: Hah! My eyes combined this with the next one and I thought it said "mugged someone"
16. Hugged someone: does Lula count?
17. Fought with your parents: Always ;)
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: pft, I'm a constant dreamer
posted by Crystal 9:30 PM
I'm going to do the two boys in the same post, just so I can use this pic:![]()
Pippin was born 2nd, and has had an eye condition for several weeks that the vet can't quite get figured out. He's had to put up with both oral antibiotics and eyedrops several times a day, so he's earned the title of being my brave little kitten!
For some reason, the kittens think that climbing up my leg is really, really fun.
Trin was the 3rd kitten born. He was the only one to be born head first (the other two came rear feet first, so in comparison, Trin just popped out!). He's the fastest at everything, and always learns to do everything first. I thought he was a girl at first (I know, I suck at this), and his speed and agility and such reminded me of Trinity from the Matrix, and so that became his name. I tried to change it to Elijah when I found out he was male, but that just never stuck, so now its been shortened to the slightly more masculine version of "Trin".
posted by Crystal 8:59 PM
Its Kitten Photo time!!
Up first, my first born (err, Tallulah's first born, but she had them on my bed, practically in my lap, so they are my babies!)
Tiger Lily, the only girl.
When she was first born, I thought Tiger Lily was a boy, so her name was just Tiger. I don't know why, but right after she was born I was looking at her and said "You're a little tiger, aren't you?" and it stuck. A few weeks later when she got bigger and it was obvious she was a girl, the Lily part of her name was added. Her usual nickname is Tilly, or Tilly-Lilly. She's the quiet, lovey one. I adore her!
posted by Crystal 8:30 PM
I'm throwing in an extra post to show the lovely pic Julie made. She said that my red hair pics made me look like Howdy Doody, and thus...
posted by Crystal 8:14 PM
As of 8pm, here is an update on the blogathon stats:
442 participants; 2775 sponsors; 80,107.24 raised
I can't believe we've lost almost 100 participants! But on the good side, EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! Do you think we'll hit 100k?
You are 28% geek You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.
Normal: Tell our geek we need him to work this weekend.
You [to Geek]: We need more than that, Scotty. You'll have to stay until you can squeeze more outta them engines!
Geek [to You]: I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain, but we need more dilithium crystals!
You [to Normal]: He wants to know if he gets overtime.
Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com
Coming next: Kitten photos!
posted by Crystal 8:00 PM
This has been the "For the love of Peter Jackson, get me OUT of this bedroom!" half hour. I've been off playing with the kittens, and having a grand ol' time.
Do you realize what the next post will be? Do you? Muahaha!
posted by Crystal 7:30 PM
The Blogathon Info page is up! Check out who I've sponsored, who has sponsored me, and other such things!
Check it out!
posted by Crystal 7:03 PM
Still watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Thank you, Bravo, for playing three in a row!
Also, I'm finally going to have the info page with links to all the people who I've sponsored and love for those who have sponsored me up in my next post!
posted by Crystal 6:32 PM
A couple of minutes late, but here are my hair experiments! (Click the pic to see all the rest!)
I am playing with the "try it on" studio at Clairol.com. I promise fun pics at 6!
posted by Crystal 5:32 PM
GAH, I have GOT to stop doing that!
I keep looking at the clock and seeing that it is, for instancec, 4:39 and thinking CRAP! I missed the 4:30 post! But no, in fact, what feels like half an hour has just been nine minutes.
I finally got around to making lunch! Grilled cheese and soup. Mmm!
posted by Crystal 5:02 PM
I'm kicking back watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on Bravo, which is my new favorite show. Carson is my favorite!
The only thing I can say is "Lisa will you move in with me, bread"
I really do need to make lunch. Really, really.
posted by Crystal 4:31 PM
I just went to take the kittens some lunch, and guess what I found?![]()
Yup, that used to be a roll of toilet paper.
(As a side note, yes, Lula Jane is spayed now. Given that I volunteer at an animal shelter, I felt REALLY guilty that my cat was pregnant when there were so many fantastic cats that needed homes. I am keeping all three of them, however, and will probably still adopt one or two from the shelter in the future. And yes, the kittens are already set up with their old pal the vet to get spayed and neutered as soon as they're old enough. I'm still trying to talk the vet into a group rate.)
posted by Crystal 4:01 PM
Another half hour gone in no time!
I've been flipping through YM, having a grand old time. I haven't read this in five years! I really wish I could get up the motivation to go make a sandwich. Soon. Really.
Lula just woke up and is demanding attention. See you at 4!
posted by Crystal 3:32 PM
Look, its actually somewhat tidy now!
I've decided to crawl in bed with Lula and flip through my magazines. Such fun! I really need to make some lunch soon, though, all I've eaten today is some of that cheese.
posted by Crystal 3:01 PM
I ran out of time before 2:00 before I ran out of good search strings, so I'll add the last few now:
*frat pirates pictures
*nude in pigeon forge
*flip flops made with balloons
*flip flops using balloons (Is this some big trend I'm missing out on?)
*fish spitting out food
Have I mentioned lately how very cool Kelly is? Or that it sucks when Jim has to reboot his computer? Or that Julie is a punk? Or that Brooke is...emm, Brooke?
(--end shoutouts to people I'm talking to--)
posted by Crystal 2:31 PM
Pardon me while I go on a Mustang-related rant for a moment.
For some stupid reason, whoever is selling this car posted it on Autotrader with the color listed as "brown"![]()
BROWN! That is not Brown! Its Mineral Grey! You are supposed to be a car dealer and you don't even know Mustang colors? Nobody wants a brown Mustang! And Mineral Grey is such a pretty, pretty color! It is so anything BUT brown! Blah! Now, in their defense, "Mineral Grey" isn't listed in the color choices at autotrader, but silver, grey, and charcoal are!
::steps off soapbox::
I just realized that its been six hours already. Six hours and it only feels like two!
For a bit of fun, I thought I'd share some of the seach strings people used to get to my main website. These always crack me up!
People found me by searching for:
*mama lupe salsa
*lowes & flea & dip
*elijah fellowship of the cast sleep
*mary kay mango spice velocity (I should feel honored that they found me with this one- that's the best toenail polish EVER!)
*chiropractor pop my back
*places to milk a cow
*blowing skirt (Is that a skirt blowing up? Or a skirt designed for blowing? Or..?)
*viggo making funny stuff
*j lo fake eyelashes
*is orlando bloom afraid of fish? (I laughed SO hard at this!)
*alarm clock alarm clock not waking
*nipple popped out (rofl)
*we put the spring in springfield wav
*sugar daddy lip gloss (Is that what they're calling it these days?)
*horseback stilettos
*elijah and orlando love it (Aww, apparently Elwood and Orli love me if I showed up as a result to this! Thanks, boys!)
*spanish riding school and kings cross station (Um, okay. The Spanish Riding School is in Austria. King's Cross is in *London. What the heck were these people looking for?)
*red scratches on the stomach
*quotes about being so madly in love
I think I'm going to start adding a favorite quote or lyric with every post. This time around:
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being being superior to your former self."
posted by Crystal 2:01 PM
I've come across a fun charity that I may blog for next year. Its called Future Forests, and essentially, you sponsor trees to be planted. The fun part is that there are a lot of celebrity sponsors, so you can have your tree planted in their forest. May I recommend planting a tree in Dom Monaghan's Forest? Or perhaps David Gray? They even send you a certificate and a map that shows where your tree is! Pretty darn cool.
Also, I never got to tell you guys about my mirror! (I forbid myself from posting to my usual journal for several days so that I'd have plenty to write about come blogathon!)
While mowing the grass on Thursday, my neighbor hit a rock, and it went smack into my passenger side mirror! (Or at least, this is what I'm 99% sure happened. I noticed the mirror was shattered when I got to work on Thurs. There is mirror glass in my driveway. My mom heard a loud something-breaking-something noise while the neighbor was mowing. I think you get the idea.)
Anyway, here's a pic I took of the damage. I love that I took it while driving, and thus you can see the scenery flying by in the shattered reflection. (Ooh, shattered reflection would be a good name for a band, or a website or something)![]()
Speaking of my car, I've been looking at a beautiful silver Mustang convertible as I drive by the car dealership every day, and I finally stopped in to ask about it. The price wasn't bad ($15995 for a 2002), but they only wanted to give me $7000 trade-in on my car! Seven thousand dollars for a 2001 Mustang! Bleh!![]()
That's not the exact car, but its the same year and such.
I also just found this pic of one with a white top! I've never seen silver with white- pretty cool!![]()
Anyone want to hold another blogathon and raise money for the "Crystal Wants a Convertible!" fund? ::whimpers about leather interior::
posted by Crystal 1:32 PM
I just checked and found out that my layout is showing up kind of screwy on Netscape, so if you're using that, sorry for the funkyness!
posted by Crystal 1:05 PM
For absolutly no reason other than that it cracks me up like crazy, here is a picture of Lula's feet.
I didn't have time to tell you about my trip to the grocery store in the last post, so I'll tell you now!
They didn't have any major-brand batteries near the checkout, and I was too pressed for time to run around the store looking for them, so I just grabbed an eight-pack of cheapie brand batteries, which I'm sure will do. I also noticed that they had brie cheese on sale, so I grabbed a wheel for blogathon snacking.
Now, I have to admit something. Last night while cleaning out my closet, I found an old Seventeen magazine. I flipped through it, and man was it entertaining! I love the "humiliating stories" things where someone thinks that tripping in front of their crush is the most mortifying thing that could ever happen. So, I decided while I was at the store today, I should pick up a Seventeen, and any other teen type things they had. My plan was to use the self check-out thing to avoid embarassment (Not that the age of 17 was all that long ago, or that its particularly embarassing to buy them, but I still felt silly buying them!). Now of course, ,as luck would have it, as I was getting ready to grab a copy of YM, my friend that works there saw me and told me to come through her line. Have you ever tried explaining why a) you're in a big hurry because you're doing a charity event with 500+ other people and have to rush home, and b) why you're buying these things? Amusing, to say the least. I think she thought I was nuts. She was right.
I came home to find an update from Rick of Travelhead.com, which made me super excited. I am so jealous of his escapades, and am living vicariously through him.
Also, I can not get the song "Safety Dance" out of my head. If you are a LOTR fan, you should see the video that this chick made of the hobbits set to that song. Hobbit Safety DanceClassic. (I hope I dont overload her bandwith by linking to it!) Also check out the unbelievable Sam doll that her friend made to give to Sean Astin at Comic Con. I wish I were that talented! Really amazing!
posted by Crystal 1:00 PM
Whew! There and back again (cue hobbit music) in just 15 minutes!
Given that I'm blogging for the ASPCA, I think its only fitting that I show you some of my cats!
First up is the One Kitten To Rule Them All, Tallulah Jane! (That is, she will be if she will stop pouncing on me every time I stop petting her to type!)
I got Tallulah when my sister's cats had kittens last May. Her nicknames include Lu, Lula, Lulu, Lula Jane, Moo Gu Gai Pan (how do you spell that?) Kitten Lu, Baby Lu, Bubba Lou, Looby-lu, Talluey Kablooey, Janey Cat, Booba Lu Lu (You only realize how very strange some of these are once you type them!) Tally Lu, and just about every other version you can imagine. I had a running list once, but I think it got too long and set off on a quest for world domination.
There's a little gap between the side of my bed and the wall, and every now and then, Lula falls into it when she rolls over. This very thing happened this week, so of course, I had to take pictures of her reaction!
She's also (very) recently figured out how the blinds work. Usually when I let her into my bedroom, she runs over and opens them up and sticks her head out.
I love her more than words can say. The first thing I do when I get home from work every day is hop in bed with her for some quality petting and telling her that she's the queen of the universe and such. I think she digs me almost as much as I dig her. And when I wake up in the middle of the night to find her sleeping in the crook of my arm, it makes everything worth it.
posted by Crystal 12:30 PM
Time for a quick quick quick run to the store to get batteries for my digital camera, and maybe a magazine or two for general amusement!
Tallulah Jane has come in the house and is now lying on the foot of my bed, just next to my chair. Hard to believe I'd just gotten her as a kitten at this time last year!
posted by Crystal 12:00 PM
Wow, I can NOT believe that its almost noon! Whew!
In the past half hour, I've cleaned two fish bowls (one to go!) and just started putting some makeup on so that I can go to the store.
In honor of clean fish bowls, here is Gandalf the Sparkly White in his freshly cleaned bowl!![]()
posted by Crystal 11:34 AM
I finally got all of my digital pictures saved on my computer (half of which went into a folder titled "I am a crazy cat lady"), so I can have fun showing you my kittens soon.
We're at the three hour mark now! I think I'll finally get to work on my desk, and then get some makeup on so that I can go to the store. Breakfast is also starting to sound really appealing.
I just found my water conditioner during the desk cleaning, so I can FINALLY clean my fish bowls! Woo! Off to do that now!
posted by Crystal 11:01 AM
I just set up a playlist on my MM Jukebox with every mp3 I have. I wonder how many i can get through today?
Right now I'm listening to the song that my friend Kenny did a freestyle dressage type of routine to a few years ago. It was absolutly beautiful, and the horse he was riding, General Command, was amazing. General has been moved to Florida to be in the Dixie Stampede there, and I really miss having him around!
I haven't made much progress on my desk yet, as I've gotten caught up in downloading some recent pictures off my digital camera, but at least that will make for some fun posts later!
I did get the pic of my messy, messy desk up though. It looks even worse in 2D form!
posted by Crystal 10:30 AM
I'd like to thank bluecalx for doing the radio broadcast for the thon! I'm getting a surprising amount of extra energy from the music. Thanks!
I think I'm going to spend a good chunk of the next half hour cleaning off my desk. Maybe my digital camera batteries will even find enough juice for a quick before photo. My desk is a disaster zone at the moment, and I just dont think I can look at it like this for the next twenty-two hours.
22! Did you catch that? Two gone already! Whoo! (Hah, lets see how long this energy keeps up!) Everyone has been talking about breakfast, which is making me hungry, so I might have to look into that soon. I have absolutly no idea what I want though- how long has it been since I've been awake for a real breakfast??
posted by Crystal 10:00 AM
I feel pretty! Oh so pretty! I feel...
Em, you get the point. In just seventeen minutes, I've managed to feed the chickens, wash my hair, and do my skin care stuff. That's pretty impressive! So now I'm sitting here with a towell on my head, feeling a little bit more awake if nothing else.
Yeah, chickens. Those of you who have been around for a while will remember that my neighbors got a bunch of chickens last year. Well, those neighbors moved this week, but they left two chickens behind. I'm really glad that they did now that I found out their intentions were to eat them, because I've sort of bonded with them. I know, I know, making friends with a future Value Meal at KFC has the makings of disaster, but I couldn't resist!
I'm kind of worried that they are going to come back to get them, or that they told the people who moved into their old house that they could eat them (the new neighbors are friends of the old), and I've decided that I'll try to buy them if they do in fact try to take them.
I wish I could be a vegetarian, especially when I'm sitting out there and the chickens are eating out of my hand (one actually lets me touch it now), and I have gotten to where I hardly ever eat meat, but occasionally I hit that point where I would kill for a chicken taco.
I need to run to the store soon to pick up some batteries for my digital camera.
CRAP! these half hours sneak up too quickly! I'll finish that thought soon.
posted by Crystal 9:31 AM
At some point in the next, oh, twenty-three hours I want to get a page up that links to the people I've sponsored as well as a few other charities that have sparked my interest, as well as someof the blogs I've found on my trip around the webring that I think are especially good.
I am going to be so poor after the blogathon, but only in terms of money. I keep finding people who I just can't resist sponsoring, and next thing you know, I'm clicking the little link!
I can't believe that I'm actually awake for MST3k, and yet I'm not watching it. My brain is sort of on overload this morning, and I'm browsing through so many web pages, I think I would explode if I added snarky sci-fi movie comedy to the mix.
I've started working on my piece of Alhena's blogathon quilt, so that should keep me occupied for a while, at least!
Off to find some pants and then feed the chickens! (More about them soon)
posted by Crystal 9:00 AM
*stretches and yawns*
The first official half hour of the blogathon has been spent trying to sort through the stampede of emails from the blogathon e-mail list, settling into the chat room, and a lot of vacant staring at the screen while my brain tries to figure out just why I'm awake.
8:30 already! Time to post!
posted by Crystal 8:29 AM
Here we go again! Let's get this show on the road!
At seven minutes before 8am, here are the stats:
537 participants; 2463 sponsors; 71,192.09 raised
WOW! Just a couple of days ago I was amazed that we'd passed $50,000 and now we're over 70! Plus, its such an incredible thing to know that there are five hundred thirthy-six other people getting out of bed and sitting down at their computers *right now*, all about to do the same thing. Its been fun to watch people sign on AIM over the past few minutes as they all wake up and get ready for action.
My lovely cat Tallulah Jane is up as well, and is running around the house like a maniac with all of her early-morning energy. Its going to be quite a day!
Happy start of Blogathon, everyone! May the force be with us all! ;)
posted by Crystal 7:59 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Yay, I finally got the blogathon webring up today!
If you've stopped by here via the blogathon site, hi! Pardon the dust around here, I've been posting over at lovemanythings.net, my new site, for the past several months, but this is the one I'll be using for the blogathon, so grab a chair and some caffeine, and settle in for the ride!
See you all on Saturday!
posted by Crystal 1:14 PM
Sunday, June 29, 2003
I'll be using the ol' blogger for this year's blogathon, as its a lot easier to update on a half hour basis than my new site, so keep an eye out!
Don't forget to go to www.blogathon.org and sponsor some people or sign up!
posted by Crystal 7:35 PM